
Bombardier C951 Train Upgrade

Bombardier C951 Train Upgrade

Bombardier Transportation (BT), the original manufacturer of the Downtown Line (DTL) rolling stock, has recently won a contract from Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (LTA) to revitalise critical systems on the Bombardier C951 trains. History of the Bombardier C951 Train First delivered in 2012, the trains are quickly becoming antiquated as compared to recent rolling stock READ MORE »

Fate of the Kawasaki-Nippon Sharyo C751B?

Fate of the Kawasaki-Nippon Sharyo C751B?

With the unexpected decommissioning of the 2nd-generation Siemens C651 (SIE) train, one would wonder what will be the fate of the 3rd-generation Kawasaki-Nippon Sharyo C751B (KNS) train. The End of the Siemens C651 Background of the KNS C751B train Introduced in 2000, these C751B trains should be slated for refurbishment similar to their North East READ MORE »