
P5 Students Travel on Chartered MRT Trains for NDP National Education Shows

Specially chartered MRT trains for Primary 5 students attending the National Day Parade (NDP) National Education (NE) Show. (Images: Screengrab from @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok & Screengrab from @1minimalistgeek/TikTok)

Specially chartered MRT trains for Primary 5 students attending the National Day Parade (NDP) National Education (NE) Show. (Images: Screengrab from @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok & Screengrab from @1minimalistgeek/TikTok)

This year’s National Day Parade (NDP) National Education (NE) Show, spanning over three weeks, was supported with specially chartered MRT trains for Primary 5 (P5) students!

These chartered MRT trains are used to efficiently ferry a large group of students and accompanying teachers to and fro the parade venue.

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Chartered MRT Trains for NDP National Education Show

Primary 5 Students at Raffles Place MRT station for the NDP National Education Show. (Image: SMRT Service Excellence/LinkedIn)

Primary 5 Students at Raffles Place MRT station for the NDP National Education Show. (Image: SMRT Service Excellence/LinkedIn)

Here’s what goes into planning and preparing to transport students and teachers and ensure that regular train services are unaffected.

1. Transport requirements for each primary school are worked out

Credits: @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok

Credits: @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok

The NDP spectator team will liaise with the Ministry of Education (MOE) on the NE Show dates and transport requirements for each primary school.

Certain primary schools near an MRT station are specially allocated a chartered MRT train to and fro the parade venue.

2. Chartered MRT Trains are then allocated for primary schools

Credits: @1minimalistgeek/TikTok

Credits: @1minimalistgeek/TikTok

The rail operator slots the specially chartered MRT trains between regular service ones, which will stop at the MRT station near the primary school and the parade venue.

Military personnel from the NDP spectator team will coordinate with the MRT station staff on the timing in the afternoon to accompany students and teachers from their primary school to the MRT station.

They will first be held at a waiting area on the MRT station platform before their allocated chartered MRT train arrives. These chartered MRT trains are denoted on the station platform screens as a ‘do not board’ train for regular commuters.

A chartered MRT train may carry two to three primary schools; thus, each group will have an allocated boarding door to prevent a mix-up.

3. Arrival and departure from the parade venue

Credits: @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok

Credits: @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok

Students and teachers will alight from the chartered MRT train when arriving at the MRT station near the parade venue.

They will first be held at the MRT station platform for a headcount before proceeding to the parade venue on foot.

When the NE Show is over in the late evening, the military personnel will accompany students and teachers back to the nearby MRT station.

They will board another chartered MRT train back to their respective MRT stations near their primary schools.

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External Links
“Well done to those who have to work extra hours for NDP 2023. While the students get a private train ride back home.” – @1minimalistgeek/TikTok [Accessed 16 Jul 2023]
“#SMRT is proud to support the National Day Parade National Education (NE) Shows 2023! 🙌” – SMRT/Facebook [Accessed 16 Jul 2023]
“It is mid-week! 😀 We are looking forward NDP NE Show 3 this coming Saturday to serve you. #OurSMRT #WeLoveToHelp” – SMRT Service Excellence/LinkedIn [Accessed 16 Jul 2023]
“Back then, my primary school didn’t charter a train despite also being near this station 🙃” – @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok [Accessed 16 Jul 2023]

Images: SMRT Service Excellence/LinkedIn, Screengrab from @adiel_rusyaidi/TikTok and Screengrab from @1minimalistgeek/TikTok.
This article was edited and re-published from an earlier version that first appeared on SGTrains.

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I'm a train enthusiast who is broadly interested in the different means of technology which powers Singapore's train network.